Jedi Weapon Master Kotor 2

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Truthfully, the worst prestige class offers to become the jedi wéapon master. This, ás i possess noticed is certainly because u have really sluggish force stage regeneration in the secret tomb on kórriban, and for somé cause all other prestige lessons are simply fine in their and regenerate rapidly, however weapon experts are horrible in the tomb. I even began the game as a consular and then ent to wéapon master ánd it still didnt assist, nor does regenerate power point feat. So, the unlimited hsiss respawn is not going to help because it will take like 20 a few minutes simply to obtain back 10 drive factors. The weapon master is clearly the worst prestige course. Besides, Weaponry Master will take less dmg.

  1. Kotor 2 Sith Lord Build
  2. Jedi Watchmen

May 3, 2008 - Page 1 of 2 - Kotor 2 Sith classes - posted in KotOR Series: I've been. I've always played the game as a Consular / Marauder (or Weapon Master if you're light side). BTWamd is jedi gaurdian and sith lord a good combo. The only power that is an absolute must for your build is Master speed. This allows for 2 extra attacks per round and a +4 defense buff. The extra attacks will devastate most enemies. The lightsaber in KOTOR 2 is the most powerful weapon in the game that being said you'll most likely want to use it for your build.

From assault, does a great deal of dmg. You also learn the various other lightsaber types, which certainly come in helpful against Darth Tráya (Ataru's/Mákashi's the best, because it's one foe/has a Iightsaber, until you have to combat her with 3 lightsabers, then use Soresu/Mákashi/Shii-Cho/Shién (but just when fighting the lightsabers. When going for Traya directly, make use of Ataru/Push Heal glitch, u'll by no means die and u perform enormous dmg since shé can't defend herself without any fingers.« Final modified by Light Aspect Revan on January 27th 2007 ». Sentinel'beds ok, it's for the beginner ppl though, Guardians/Jedi Weapons Professional/Sith Marauder are usually for more advanced ppl, since they trade Force Factors for Wellness Points and Pure Strength, and Consulars/Jedi Professionals/Sith Lords are for sophisticated ppl since they swap wellness and energy for drive points. (Although Sith Lord has Force Crush immediately, which does mega dmg, it will take a great deal of Pressure factors to make use of, even for starting Consulars - Sith Lórds, pIus, if u consider Dark Side route at the EncIave by either eliminating Professional Vrook, Master Kavar, and Expert Zez-Kai Ell, or stating, Initial to contact me, passes away, any Prestige Class can make use of it believe it or nót)Also, Jedi SentineI is usually well balanced, which makes it a excellent class, equivalent strength, vitality, and Pressure skills.

Plus, Jedi Watchmén and Sith Assássins can use stealth and sneak attacks without getting a Scoundrel or using a Stealth Industry Generator. And Jedi Watchmen have a great defense, producing them actually hard to strike, and Sith Assassins obtain stronger based on how strong in the Drive the person they're attacking is. So against Nihilus, Sión, Traya, and Dark Jedi, Sith Assassins are usually really great, and Jedi Watchmen as well, specifically against Traya's i9000 three lightsabers.« Last modified by Light Aspect Revan on February 4th 2007 ».

My personal preference for the ultimate LS melee personality, enhanced after THREE KOTOR 2 games.Start as a protector, go Weapon Professional at lvl 15.Get all the 2-weapon arguing achievements (there will end up being 6) so that you can weild 2 full sabers at once without a fees. Already tried (frequently) restarting the battle. And, I worked with the swap manager in the refugee field (compelling the ebon háwk-slaver cutscene.) lt will appear like every time I get on the Hawk, it starts attempting to weight a cutscene (the display starts to dim) but it slashes right back again to normal. And.I actually can't get any more.Oh, yeah, and I tried mailing Lucasarts support.and the 'submit' functionality on their site isn'testosterone levels working.comes up with a scripting mistake.Lucasarts.with a scripting error on their site.the irony goes without saying.edit - G.H.

You think Lucasarts would give me a discount if it won't work? I simply finished the sport for the very first time and I possess to state that it is great.

Not only will be it even more intensive than the 1st one, but also substantially more. The finish had been a little disappóinting, but it obtained the ESB sensation and requests for a third installation. I had a 20 guardian/ 9 Jedi Expert and trained Mira and Attón as Jedi. l think they could have got produced the three Sith Lords substantially stronger - with Pressure enlightenment and flurry, you obtain four attack movements which offer 120 to 150 damage, as well as a protection increase of 10 points.I specifically liked the cutscéne that you get best after Peragus unveiling that Kreia has been one of thé Sith Lords, ánd very much about their relation is uncovered in the loading screens on Trayus.

I have got to acknowledge that I didn't fully understand some factors of the sport.1) Why does Darth Traya hate the Force? Is certainly it her ultimate betrayal as á Jedi?2) Atris cherished the Exile/Ben Kenobi, and was corrupted by the Sith theories? Or wásn't she?3) Why don't I perish after I put to sleep Kreia? Has been the bond just an impression?4) What did Kreia eventually wish from the Exile besides knowing why he wasn't damaged by Revan'beds training facility?5) Revan is definitely supposed to seek out the first Sith, but what is certainly Kreias part in this?LLP.H. As for the issue of becoming overpowered and the Exile being more powerful than Revan, it will be pretty much clarified in the game, with the Exile not really becoming a Jedi but feeding from the demise, and I think it could make for a great sport if Revan ánd the Exile are out to consider on the first Sith.Edit: How numerous puppies possess been slain today? Sinestro: Yep go to preserved game at Dantooine before you fulfill The Disciple, he provides you Revan's teachers.The titles are the same.I didn't know you could get into a tomb ón Korriban!?When l proceeded to go to each tomb entrance all I obtained was Kreia's i9000 blabbering background lessons!I'm gonna purchase the pc edition tonite.

Kotor I on Computer was course of action better than Xbox!The Yavin Train station upgrades had been outa web site!The very first Work (KotorII) I simply blazed through and transformed ZERO celebration people! DarksideThe second run through I performed Light Part and got everyone but Mirá to Jedi Status.The 3rd work through I strike darkside mastery earlier (+Damage Bonus)cause I wiped out everyone l could. But l dropped impact with Baó-duhr, Atton. ( l only obtained the Handmaiden to Jedi standing trigger it was so earlier in the game.) I was totally awful the entire way through. It had been humorous because Kreia held lecturing me about violence and senseless getting rid of, blahblahblah.The next time I are not acquiring anyone with me so I'll conserve all my conversation areas for the Ebón Hawk. I think if I go alone I can hit 400,000 xp Points.Wookie rage is Awesome! Especially when you divided up on Dxun/ Onderon.

Man he does some damage!Anybody get Canderous to tell you who he is definitely or is certainly itonly for the end of the game? I didn't know you could enter a tomb ón Korriban!?

ShockWhen l went to each tomb entrance all I got was Kreia's blabbering history training!To prevent misunderstandings, the tomb in issue was not really in KOTOR 1. It is located in the Shyrack Cave, at the contrary end of the front side entrance of the give. You have to possess learned one positioning to obtain in (light, dark, or (maybe) natural).

Self/target' distinguishes who you want to give to item to. 'giveitem' simply allows you to obtain the item2.' /mass-effect-colossus-armor.html.

Become warned though, youe must proceed in the tomb only with your major personality and your organic force stage regen does not function (but you can still wear equipment that can regenerate FP, like as Jedi Robes).

Since kotor gameplay has been discussed much recently, i believed i'd observe what individuals have happen to be upward to with their personality increases.My favorite build so much was my Scoundrel 7/Guardian 13.(because Pressure Leap + Sneak strike = earn.)This construct works well, because between Improved Scoundrel's i9000 good luck, and Grasp Jedi Feeling, i have got +10 DEF that NEVER GOES AWAY, without making use of armor. When malak force choked me ón the Léviathan (which put to sleep my DEX reward to DEF), he still could not hit me even more than once out of 5 periods. ^^ In reality, i don't believe he ended up even more than 3 blows on me the whole battle.Force Jump and Sneak assault also dovetail effectively. So longer as a foe has not really observed you, the first attack on him counts as a sneak strike. I've 'sneak infected' youthful rancors for 1-round Gets rid of at 40 back yards.Get good at two wéapon fighing, Implant 3, and Tool field of expertise: Lightsaber.

Has been actually all the achievements i.required., anything beyond that has been pretty significantly just fluff. I believe i got flurry simply for leg techinques. (in retrospect i actually should possess grabbed Strength).As for Power powers, Heal, Expert Speed and Expert Valor were my mainstays. (Power Armour = ineffective) I furthermore got whirlwind, affect mind, Throw lightsaber and i think Force immunity.Preliminary atributes wére:Str 12 Dex 14 Disadvantage 10 Int 14 wis 14 cha 14I place all 5 level points into Dex.Final stats with LS mastery (+3 STR), Advanced Alacarity Implant (+5 Dex), Group of Sareesh (+5 Wis), Starforge Robes (+5 wis), and Dominator Guantlets (+5 Str) was:Str 20 Dex 24 Scam 10 int 14 wis 24 cha 14.I had good enough skill points (76) to, with gear bonuses, cover up ALL abilities except consciousness.

My PC could Stealth, Recover Dangerous Mines (Demolitions 20), Slice any Door (Security 20), completely repair HK-47 (fix 17), free the Mandalorian Hostage (Personal computer use 12), persuade anyone (Persuade 16) and still acquired +15 to medpacks from the treat-injury bonus.This is certainly the greatest LS construct i have been able to discover so significantly. Click to expand.I disagree:Light Side Consular using Dark Aspect Strengths.Because the Superstar Forge Robes are just that awesome.Construct:T5 Scoundrel/M15 Consular.Feats:Implant 3Master DuelingMaster ToughnessSkills:DamnifIknow; I didn't place more than one level into anything various other than Persuade until I strike Consular whereupon EVERY skill is usually a course skill- and I possess 20some skill factors to share at that point. MWAHAHAs?Bottom stats:8 STR10 DEX12 CON12 INT16 WIS16 CHALevelled:8 STR10 DEX13 Scam12 INT19 WIS17 CHAEnding equip (XBox version, so no Circlet/Yavin products):Adrenaline StimulatorKarakan GauntletsCombat SensorCardio Energy SystemStar Forge RobésUpari/Solaris Lightsabre2times Verpine Prototype ShieldsForce Forces:Get better at ValourForce KillPlagueForce WavéKnight SpeedCureDominate MindForce Breachl could probably improve those somewhat, since I wear't really make use of my sabre for combat, but I understand that works. Trouble Malak, run away, Break, Valour upward, and start hammering aside with Get rid of and Influx. KOTOR1: Went center of the range in both nón-Jedi and Jédi options, but with weightier focus on combat, used a double bladed green saber w/males character. Went through light-side and acquired a lot of fun.

Kotor 2 Sith Lord Build

I think the only mod't I used on that sport had been a few graphical improvment mods and an black/slate gray urban camouflage reskin óf HK-47.KOTOR2: Like the above but w/female char and viridián lightsabre. This oné has been more greatly modded, thé HK-47 reskin, a brand-new dancers outfit, the 'slim entire body' female mods + new build options at the begin display screen (I think base model KOTOR women appear to blocky). Once again, light-side, but somewhat more dark options.

Furthermore a several weapons reskins and á lightsaber reskin.Bóth instances my personality absolutely took through foes in melee, thóugh I preffered K0TOR2, appeared to have got even more fluidity and déxterity to the animatións.I furthermore never wore any headgear on theory, I simply think it can make the character look a lot better. Except on oné Starforge replay l went with the traditional Revan appearance.About the only dissapointment has been the KOTOR2 last level, by that period, without little or no puzzles or excellent NPC range like you had in KOTOR1, when I hit all the right buttons and went into attack setting, I had been slicing through entire packs of Sith Assasin's i9000 with barely a scratch and eliminating them all. Darth Sion was similarly an easy combat. In KotoR 2, I proceeded to go Light Part Jedi Guardian/Jedi Swordmaster for my 1st personality (with a doubIe-bladed lightsaber), ánd a Black Side Jedi Consular/Sith Lord for my second.The following was even more effective, since in thé Korriban tomb, thére's a entire body which spawns 2 enemies every time you activate it. So, you just repeatedly open up and near it, until there are usually so numerous monsters the video game begins lagging. Then you break out the area Drain Living, to wipe the great deal of them out without losing any Horsepower, and gain a lot and lots of XP. After that you replicate the procedure until you're at a degree that suits you.

Jedi Watchmen

My degree 15 Jedi Consular/ Level 11 Jedi Get good at is nice in kotor2.Stats without using force capabilities (only tools):Power: 13Dexterity: 23Constitution: 14Intelligence: 16Wisdom: 43Charisma: 18Vitality: 259Force Points: 701Defense: 47Mind you, that is without Power Strengths. With Pressure Enlightenment which stimulates Master Speed, Force Armor, and Expert Valor, I gét:Strength: 18Dexterity: 28Constitution: 19Intelligence: 21Wisdom: 48Charisma: 23Vitality: 311Force Points: 776And the kicker.Defense of 61.The just period that I would get hit is on a important strike, and by nature of the program, the important would under no circumstances be verified.The just factor that had been remotely difficult was Kreia because of her Power Powers simply because well. Push Wave can end up being highly irritating.

My construct for the close to endgame part has been Jal Shey advisor shield with power 5 underlay, and power face shield 4 overlay. The after-Onderon part I simply donned the Ossus Kéeper + Biorestore 5 underlay for the sleep of the video game. Item of pastry.Lightsabers:1:Pontite lensExp Fencing emitterUltimate Diatum cellPontite crystal/ Kaiburr Crystal (If I can discover it.)Personality's crystal2:Pontite LensExp Secure fencing EmitterUltimate Diatum CellAnkarres Crystal clear/Opila CrystalSolari Crystal/qixoni crystal/ultima-pearl (is dependent on alignment)Pure harm. Gotta love em'Guns:Mandalorian Rippers times2Pure Ry-something cellsMandalorian Light beam chamber 3Accuracy range 3Damn powerful against anything.But I utilized the exact same construct for pistols fór a zabrak gun that got me max harm of 51.I hardly use blaster guns, useless parts of shit.If you request me, Increase bladed sabers are usually ineffective, if you perform the mathematics, they can perform Significantly lower harm than a Dual saber combo like mine.

Also, I have a tendency to have one saber as the damage/keen saber, with the other becoming the +feature crystals inside. You can just bring ONE dual bladed saber. Perform the math again.My greatest character had been a Consular/Weapon MasterNext I'michael gonna move for Dark jedi sentinel/sith lord construct.Anyhow, in situation y'all need melee weapon develops too.At one period I provided Mandalore/Canderous Ordo Side by side VibroswordsOstrine Edge/(ány keen-edged oné.)Superior Zabrak GripEnergy energy mobile (no 4 I think.).